Breaking BarriersIts easy and super stylish to wear your beautiful Indian jewels with your everyday wear. In this fashion shoot we will be showcasing the beautiful south asian jewelry and pairing with awesome designer styles. Assumptions and barriers were easily broken through this collab!! Why only save your favorite Indian jewelry for Indian occasions and events. The best part is we are spreading the word to other women - you can rock the jewelry with your cocktail dress or even a simple dinner out with some friends. Pushing past old assumptions in style and beauty is the goal of this project and we are excited you are part of this awesome adventure!
Click the link below for more exciting images!
Written by Jessica Shah Photography: Solid Rock Photography - Jamal @solidrockphotography Hair & Makeup: Make Me Up by Jessica team @pjs1021 Jewels: Reemat Designs - Reena @reematdesigns Styling & Clothing: Posch Boutique - Megan @meganposch Models: Natalie @nattbee1987, Megan @meganposh, Nikki @thenikkistandard
cocktail dress,
fashion shoot,
indian occasions,
designer style,
south asian jewelry,
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